Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Our second weapon is the M16. This weapon is one of the default weapons in the game.
This weapon is known for its high damage and low recoil.

Shots to Kill: 3 Close/4 Far
Rate of Fire: 938 rounds per minute
Magazine Size: 30 Normal/45 Extended
Reload Time: 2.03 seconds

M72 LAW is good for this class setup. You can use this to destroy spy planes (which is important if you don't have Ghost perk) or any other aircraft. You can also use this on a group of people for multikill.

Primary Weapon: For this weapon I use Suppressor, it reduces the recoil of the M16 and it hides you from the radar when firing. If you are not used to the iron sight of the M16 you could also use the Red Dot Sight attachment. If you are using Warlord perk, I suggest using Red Dot Sight and Dual Mags.

Perk 1: Hardline is not a bad choice for this class setup, considering that you are using a 3 round burst gun, and that kind of gun is not made for group killing or rush killing. It's good to have killstreak rewards on lower killstreaks.

Perk 2: Hardened just help this weapon penetrate more on objects, but the pro version of this perk is not that bad. The reduced flinch effect is very useful.

Perk 3: I suggest using Second Chance perk. If you are using a semi-automatic or 3 round burst gun, for sure you are going to have a fast trigger finger. You could use that fast trigger finger when you die, given a second chance to pull out a gun and shoot your enemy. But if your not a fan of this perk, I suggest using Marathon for longer amount of sprint.

Equipment and ETC:
For Equipment, I suggest using Jammer. This is extremely useful if you don't have the Hacker or Flak Jacket perk. Always plant a Jammer before entering buildings, so you could disable equipments like Claymore and C4's.

For Tactical, use Nova Gas. It helps a lot in objective games, You could use the Nova Gas for extra damage allowing you to kill the enemies with only 1-2 shots.

For Lethal, use Semtex. You do not have to worry about throwing grenades at campers inside a room because this class is not for rushing. What you do is just lure them with Nova Gas then let them come to you, so before they get to you, they are already damaged by the Nova Gas and you could kill them with only 1-2 shots. Semtex is good for objective games like Domination, Demolition, and etc.

Killstreak Rewards:
For this class setup I suggest using high killstreak rewards like Attack Helicopter. If the Attack Helicopter is attacking enemies you could easily see where the helicopter is shooting at, thus giving you a good idea where the enemies are, giving you the advantage.

Blackbird is not a bad choice for this class setup. Knowing where the enemies are is very useful.

Attack Dogs is good for breaking down campers, plus following where the dogs go gives you  a good idea where the enemies are.

This gun specializes in maps like:




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